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Gene’s Daily Scriptural Postings

Writer's picture: H Gene LawrenceH Gene Lawrence

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.



Ephesians 2:10

Daily Reading Plan



Ephesians 2:1-22Bible in a Year:Exodus 34:1-35  ;  Luke 5:1-39


Paul reminds us today to take a moment and think about all the amazing plans that God has for our lives. 

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

You are the masterpiece of God. He carefully made you with a purpose in mind.

You are not just a random creation; you are intentionally made by the hands of God Himself. How incredible is that?

God did not just create you and leave you to figure things out on your own. He has a specific plan for your life, filled with good works that He prepared in advance just for you. 

Good works are the things that align with the heart of God and His desires for your life. It could be showing kindness to someone in need, sharing His love with those around you, or using your talents to make a positive impact in the world.

God is not asking us to do these good works to earn His love or approval. We are already deeply loved and cherished by Him. Instead, He invites us to partner with Him in His mission of love and redemption.

Take a moment to thank God for creating you with such care. And then, with joy and excitement, step into the good works He has prepared for you.

You never know how your obedience and willingness to serve might impact the life of someone else.

Do you need Prayer? We are here to pray with you.

Heavenly Father, I desire my life to walk in obedience to Your Word and be fruitful in good works.  I desire my life to produce the things that align with the heart of You and Your desires for my life. It could be showing kindness to someone in need, sharing Your love with those around me, or using my talents to make a positive impact in the world. Please use me to the praise of Your glory. Thank You, Father. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

You Never Know How Your Obedience And Willingness To Serve Might Impact The Life Of Someone Else.

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