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05 April 2024 | ||
There are blessings all throughout the Bible. Yet there are four things about which the Bible says God takes that to a higher level and commands blessing. We see one of those things in Psalms 133 where it says that God commands a blessing on unity.
This commanded blessing of God is why unity is such a powerful force in our world today. And it is also why the enemy works so hard to divide everyone from one another. The lie of the enemy here says that we cannot be in unity whenever we have the slightest difference from one another. He attempts to separate us through whatever method he can such as politics, race, economic class, gender, and even religious views.
When the enemy keeps followers of Jesus isolated, attacking one another, and out of unity, he successfully blocks this commanded blessing of God from God's people. The truth is that we can be in unity even though we disagree on some points.
The key to walking in unity, and enjoying God's commanded blessing on it, is to focus on areas of agreement instead of only looking at those points we disagree on. Is Jesus your Lord and the Bible your authority? Then let's focus on that and work together to bring God's Kingdom to earth like Jesus taught us to pray. That will be so much more productive and personally fulfilling than arguing about whatever points of theology we might disagree on. | ||
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