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20 May 2024 | ||
Everything in the Kingdom works on the principle of promises. That's how we get to the abundant life. The more you come to understand the Kingdom of God and align your life, thoughts, and actions with the Kingdom, the more of the Kingdom resources will come your way. This includes all the resources of the Kingdom — wisdom, wealth, health, favor, freedom — you name it.
To the degree that you have knowledge of God and how His Kingdom operates is the degree that your prayers will be answered. Plus, it is by standing on God’s promises that we partake of the divine nature and also how we escape the corruption that is in the world.
Too many are looking to Jesus to come and rapture us out of this corrupt world. Yet the Bible clearly tells us that God already provides us with the escape hatch we long for in His promises. No matter what issue you are facing in your life, God provides a promise to overcome it. Victory is already yours. Take possession of God’s promise today! | ||