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25 July 2024 | ||
The world says enemies must be avenged. God says we must love our enemies. Doing so is a sign that we are His children. We actually reflect our Father’s character when we bless those who curse us.
It can be hard to trust God to right things on our behalf when others wrong us. Yet it is worth the effort to stand on God’s promises and leave any revenge in His hands. He says that vengeance belongs to Himself anyway. So we do well not to take it from Him.
Besides, by loving people regardless of how they wrong us, we sow good seed which produces a positive harvest in our lives. Those who wrong us will reap the harvest of that bad seed anyway. So any act of vengeance on our part is redundant for them and produces a bad harvest for us.
Sow for a far better harvest by loving your enemies instead. | ||