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28 July 2024 | ||
One of the most difficult parts following Jesus is often releasing our worries and cares onto him. Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden light. But for many, the Christian life is anything but easy and light.
One challenge is that it takes effort to believe that Jesus has dealt with our sin so completely that we no longer need to do good stuff to stay right with God. Our flesh has a difficult time believing that Jesus became sin for us and gave us the very righteousness of God in its place. But it’s true.
And Jesus gives us access to every single one of the promises of God. They are God’s way for us to escape the corruption of this world and every one of them is yes and amen in Christ.
It takes effort to learn what Jesus accomplished for you on the cross and through His resurrection. Once we do, we can then choose to believe it and enter into His rest completely! That’s what the Bible means when it exhorts us to labor to enter into His rest. | ||
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