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29 August 2024 | ||
When the understanding that God blesses us because He is good and He loves us, not because of anything we have done comes alive in us, it changes everything. So many people believe they have to do the right things to earn God’s blessing. But God blesses us because Jesus was good and because He loves us, not because we are good.
Think about the most quoted verse in all the Bible. “For God so loved the world, He gave…” That verse highlights God’s love, not how well we behave.
The Bible also says faith works by love. We release our faith to the degree of our revelation of God’s love for us. The more we know the many ways God loves us, and how much He loves us, the stronger our faith grows.
Therefore understanding God's love for you unlocks miracle working power in your life as it energizes your faith. You can receive the promises of God when you know how much God loves you. Love truly is the greatest power in the universe. | ||