30 August 2024 | ||
Jesus liberated us to set us free from the overpowering control that sin exerts over mankind. We are no longer slaves to sin and death. Now we can walk by faith in newness of life, as truly free men and women, new citizens of the Kingdom of God.
Not only that, but we have also been made free from the Law’s requirement not to sin. That truth goes against our natural thinking because we know that sin is bad and that sinful behavior is worthy of punishment.
But in the New Covenant, Jesus took the curse of sin for us so that we might become the very righteousness of God in Him. That means we who have received Jesus are no longer liable to pay for our own sins. We no longer live in fear of sinning because Jesus marked that bill paid in full!
In Christ, sin no longer has a hold over you. What this means is that you can now choose not to sin. Look into the true mirror of God’s word to see who you truly are. Allow everything you do to flow from your new identity in Christ. That’s where your real power to live is found! | ||
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