Some people mistakenly think that when a prayer or promise of God does not happen immediately it must mean that the word of God does not work. Unfortunately, not everyone sees instant results.
But those who continue to believe the truth of God will receive their harvest in due season if they don't lose heart. This is a promise directly from the Bible. You can take it to the bank just like every single one of the more than seven thousand other promises God makes to you in scripture that is also yes and amen in Christ.
What you must realize is that it is through faith and patience that you will inherit the promises of the Kingdom of God. His promises are not automatic. They require your whole hearted agreement. Sometimes it will require you to agree with what God’s word says in the face of the world telling you something very different about your circumstances.
Allow the seed of God’s word to take root in your heart and produce its promised harvest. Digging up the seed will not make the harvest come any more quickly, but will instead hinder your harvest.
But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit. Some produce a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown. — Matthew 13:23 (MEV)