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18 September 2024 | ||
God supplies all our needs, but the supply isn't based on our need. Instead, God supplies based on His riches. This is an important point to remember when we pray.
We do well to learn from the example of the disciples. They foolishly earned a rebuke from Jesus when they woke Him in the midst of the storm with their need, “Don’t you care that we’re all going to die?!” Jesus rebuked them for their lack of faith in His previous word to them, “We are going to the other side.”
Instead of praying out of fear and lack, we do well to pray in faith, agreeing with what God says in His word about our situation. That’s how we access His riches, which are ours by right of inheritance as joint heirs with Jesus.
God’s riches for us are the fullness of all He provides for us through Jesus. This includes salvation, deliverance, healing, and prosperity. God provides all this by his grace, but He doesn’t force these riches on anyone.
We still must receive what God provides by faith, or it’s like we don’t have it at all. | ||