Join COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs for TONIGHT’s Warriors for Life (WFL) Online Peer Support Group where “Sharing is Caring!”
Invite a friend, tell a friend, and share with your friends they may need support or know someone who needs support!
Get connected, get involved, with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, Military Families/Spouses, and Caretakers/Caregivers every Saturday Night!
TONIGHT’s Topic: “How to Cheat Negativity and Retrain Your Mind!”
Your Mind is trying to protect you.
By stopping you from moving forward, your mind (your subconscious) is just trying to protect you from being hurt by failing, by rejection, or by whatever else you’re afraid of or you’ve been trained to believe.
When you charge headlong into something new — a new contract, a new position, a new pitch, a new book — or you go beyond the limits of what your subconscious believes is safe, your subconscious tries to protect you by floating up deterrents to warn you off — those negative thoughts.
And, if you persist in pushing on, if you manage to successfully ignore them, your mind will finally just call a halt — a time out. Stop you in your tracks by creating a block or a meltdown.
Simply pasting positives on top won’t work long-term because you’re dealing with your subconscious, with deeply ingrained beliefs and patterns.
And you can’t access those beliefs and negatives directly because you can’t directly communicate with your subconscious. No matter how many band-aids you slap on, eventually the negativity will ooze through.
But by coming at the issues obliquely, you can “retrain” your subconscious — teach it these negatives are not deterrents.
Willpower — sheer force of will — won’t work!
Tune in TONIGHT with the “Colonel” and let’s have a discussion around the importance of “How to Cheat Negativity and Retrain Your Mind!”
Warriors for Life Group Support Community Service – Saturday (TONIGHT), 25 September 2021 at 4:30 PM PT, 5:30 PM MT, 6:30 PM CT, and 7:30 PM ET
Dial in 5-10 minutes early to test your communications!
COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs will be your Host TONIGHT and they’re inviting you to a RingCentral meeting.
Just follow the directions provided below and come join us on RingCentral.
Remember: WFL meets on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays — (6-days) a week and every week to stay and keep you connected.
“You're important to us!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):
+1(773)2319226,, 3266151203#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 (773) 231 9226 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 326 615 1203
COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs