Join veteran SGT Steve McFarland for another Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support and “Healing Through Faith tonight (Tuesday 20 August 2019).
Tonight’s Topic: “Tending Sheep — Trusting God In The “Rest-Areas”…
When we plan a trip, we try to figure out where we will be at certain times, such as where we will stay if it is a multi-day trip, but not all road maps are detailed enough to indicate where the rest-areas are. I have to stop every couple of hours to stretch my legs and use the restroom, but I don’t set up camp there. Rest-areas are for brief visits, not to use as a campground. While there may not be a posted “time limit“, we are expected to hit the road again shortly.
God’s plan for our lives is like a road-map, but He doesn’t show it all to us at once. He will only show us our next step when He is ready, not when we are. Like all good road-maps, ours includes turns, intersections, and even “rest-areas“. While I love rest-areas when I am traveling, I don’t always like it when God places me in a “rest-area“. Maybe some examples will help illustrate what I am referring to.
Who, in the Old Testament, spent an extended period of time in a “rest-area“? Moses was raised to be a Prince in Egypt, a leader of men, but when he tried to “lead” in the wrong way, he found himself on the run, with a price on his head. He quit running when he got to Midian. At least he was safe there, so he pitched his tent, got married, had kids, and started tending sheep – in the wilderness. He spent forty years roaming that “rest-area” before God gave him his next assignment, leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. (Exodus 2:11 – 3:22)
We might tend to think that tending sheep in the wilderness was a “fruitless-activity“, but we need to rethink that premise. Long before maps were invented and the first map was drawn, Moses had a mental-map of every square-foot of the wilderness he would be leading the children of Israel through for the next forty-plus years. Just think, he knew where every watering-hole was, where they could find good pasture for their animals, and where three-plus million people could pitch their tents without being on top of each other. “Fruitless-activity“, or meticulous-preparation?
Have you had a period in your life which seemed like “wasted time“, a time when it felt like you were “spinning your wheels“?
Warriors for Life Healing Through Faith – Tuesday, 20 August 2019 at 8:00 PM ET, (7:00 Pm CT), 6:00 PM MT, & 5:00 PM PT
Dial in 5-10 minutes early to test your communications!
Veteran SGT Steve McFarland will be the Host this Tuesday evening and is inviting you to a RingCentral meeting.
Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +1(773)2319226,,4623907474#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 (773) 231 9226 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 462 390 7474
Directions for loading Ring Central.
Steve McFarland
#VirtualGroupSupport #TendingSheep #TrustinginGod #HealingThroughFaith #HealingThroughSharing #WarriorsforLifeWFL #PostTraumaticStressDisorderPTSD #VirtualPeertoPeerSupport #Faith #MilitarySexualTraumaMST #SharingwithOthers #VictoryforVeteransFoundationVFV #TraumaticBrainInjuriesTBI #HealingTogether #SharingandCaring