The Colonel’s Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day!
Good “Saturday!” Afternoon “Burroughs’ Posse,” and all great connections. Welcome to the weekend from the “Eagle’s Nest” Castle Rock, CO! — 26 June 2021!
Today’s Message is: “Solid Ground Day!” Why Not?
“The Law of Solid Ground in leadership is all about trust. Leaders can’t break their people’s trust and hope to influence them in a positive fashion. Develop your character as much as you develop your professional ability. If you don’t build your character, you will mar your competence.” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Join COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs for TONIGHT’s Warriors for Life (WFL) Online Peer Support Group where “Sharing is Caring!”Invite a friend, tell a friend, and share with your friends they may need support or know someone who needs support!Get connected, get involved, with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, Military Families/Spouses, and Caretakers/Caregivers every Saturday Night!
The Quote in the Picture Today Reads: “Make today’s solid ground out of yesterday’s quicksand.” — Mos Def
More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:
“Rock bottom is good solid ground, and a dead-end street is just a place to turn around.” —Buddy Buie
“I don’t want to fall. All I want to do is stand on solid ground.” — David Levithan
“Don’t wait to find solid ground. Dance in emptiness.” — Surya Das
“Jump. Do it. You’ll either land on solid ground or that’s the day you learn how to fly.” —Sanigly
“He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked alone.” — Psalm 40:2
“There are times when we have to step into the darkness in faith, confident that God will place solid ground beneath our feet once we do.” — Dieter F. Uchtdorf
“He who walks on tip-toe does not walk on solid ground.” — Laozi
Be a Survivor and Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) “Peer-to Peer”Online Peer Support Group where “Sharing is Caring!”:
“Remember this always and the meaning runs deep for all those who’ve served this great nation: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life!' " — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs