The Colonel's Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Good "Wednesday"Morning Everyone from the "Eagle's Nest" where VFV will host the next Virtual "Meet and Greet" this evening in Castle Rock, CO — 6 November 2019!
Today is: "Meet and Greet Day!" Why Not?
"Meeting and greeting people can create new friendships, build new opportunities, connect resources, and provide support for those in need — take time to make the connection!" - COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Drop in this evening for the 3rd Virtual "Meet and Greet" hosted by VFV, WFL, and COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs — dial in and say "Hi" to your brothers and sisters — check it out:
Support our Warriors in Need — Challenge them to Stay Alive:
"There are ways to meet people and surround yourself with like-minded people who will support you." — Chris Colfer
"You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those people you can’t forget. Those are your ’friends." — Mark Twain
"Mingle often with good people to keep your soul nourished." — Anthony Douglas Williams
"Right now, someone you haven’t met is out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you." — Unknown Author
"The true adventurer goes forth aimless and uncalculating to meet and greet unknown fate." — O. Henry
"Meeting new people is just remembering faces of God we've forgotten." — Harry Whitewolf
"Meeting another human is always a sacred event." — Bryant H. McGill
Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support:
“Remember this and its meaning runs deep for me and all those who served this great nation: "Respect Always - Warriors for Life!" – COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans: