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Writer's pictureCol (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day and Week!

Today is: “Falling Behind Day!” Why Not?

The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day and Week!

Good “Red Friday” Morning Everyone and welcome to the end of the first week in July from the “Eagle’s Nest” in Castle Rock, CO! — 3 July 2020!

Let’s “Remember Everyone Deployed” until they all return home once again!

Today is: “Falling Behind Day!” Why Not?

“If you’re on your game, self-motivated, and inspired to go the extra mile, then you won’t be falling behind!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

We have (26) weeks and (182) days until 2021

Join Founder COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs for Saturday's Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Service as we explore how one random act of kindness can have positive effect on your well-being. Invite a Friend, tell a friend, and share with your friends! Get connected with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, and Caretakers every Saturday Night! Saturday's Topic: "Why Random Acts of Kindness Matter to Your Well-being!"

Support our Warriors in Need — "Challenge them to Stay Alive!" — Buy a WFL Challenge Coin:

Operation Costa Rica “Life Readiness Center” Support our Efforts and share with your connection:

“New VFV Partners” - Get Your Hand Sanitizer here: (or)

The Quote in the Picture Today Reads: “If you see someone falling behind, walk beside them. If your see someone ignored, find a way to include them. If someone has been knocked down, left them up. Always remind people of their worth. One small act could mean the world to them.” — Tiny Buddha

“There are…two kinds of people: those who are changing and those who are setting themselves up to be victims of change. Ass the world continues o march on around us, if I am only maintaining the status quo — if I’m not growing — then I’m falling behind.” — Jim Clemmer

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.” — Walt Whitman

“To stand still is to fall behind.” — Mark Twain

“If we fall behind by too much early, we don’t have the firepower to come back and win.” — Marc Brewe

“As you walk through life, always walk toward the light, and the shadows of life will fall behind you.” — Thomas S. Monson

“Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.” — Victor Kiam

“If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds.” — Jessie Jackson

Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support:

“Remember this always and the meaning runs deep for all those who served this great nation: 'Respect Always — Warriors for Life!' " — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs

Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans:

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