The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day and Week!
Good “R.E.D Friday” Morning “Burroughs’ Posse,” and all great connections. Welcome the end of the first week in September from the “Eagle’s Nest” from Castle Rock, CO! — 4 September 2020!
Let’s “Remember Everyone Deployed” until they return home once again!

Today is: “Camaraderie Day!” Why Not?
“Camaraderie to me is respecting each of our brothers and sisters no matter what our political, religious, or other affiliations are – professional respect always and being there to support them when thay are in need – ‘Warriors for Life!’ ” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
We have (17) Weeks and (119) Days until 2021!
Hello Everyone – COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs reaching out to you from the “Eagle’s Nest”– I’d like to invite you to Saturday evening Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services this Saturday, 5 September 2020 with the “Colonel” hosting!
Saturday’s Topic: "Self-Mastery”
Support our Warriors in Need — "Challenge them to Stay Alive!": https://www.victoryforveterans.org/product-page/wfl-coin
The Quote in the Picture Today Reads: “It’s the camaraderie and shared purpose, as much as the milestones we set, that give our live meaning.” — Unknown Author
More Quotes to think about:
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller
“People will help each other because there is a sense of camaraderie that springs up, which is a survival tactic. You help them because you know you might need their help later. And that is incredibly reassuring.” — Amanda Ripley
“Just think of the trust that often exists in soldiers. Within their own unit, you could say that have to trust each other, A spirit of camaraderie builds up and, in the end, they will risk their live for each other.” — Jane Goodall
“Men of thought seldom work together, whereas between mean of action there is usually and easy camaraderie.” — Eric Hoffer
“In comradeship is danger countered best.” — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“We developed a firm, practical feeling of solidarity, which grew, on the battlefield in the best thing that war can produce — comradeship in arms.” — Erich Maria Remarque
“What is life without Camaraderie? For setting sail on a ship with a band of merry brothers by your side is more gratifying than drifting aimlessly on a boat lost alone at sea.” — Saim A. Cheeda
Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support:

“Remember this always and the meaning runs deep for all those who served this great nation: 'Respect Always — Warriors for Life!' " — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans: https://victoryforveterans.org/blog/