Meet Host Jennifer
Jennifer Roy is a US Army veteran and disabled veteran with PTSD due to MST. She served from 1998 to 2008 as a combat medic airborne at various locations. At 17, she was assaulted and raped by three drill instructors, resulting in pregnancy. Jennifer was believed because of medical proof. She self-medicated for years but started speaking out in 2013. She received 100% PTSD due to MST and started a Facebook group for veterans in 2014. Jennifer holds degrees in Abnormal Psychology, Criminology, and Crime Scene Investigation. She volunteers with Bristol CERT, Red Rover DART, Team Rubicon, and the Innocence Project. She is starting a podcast, NECOLDCASES and Missing, to highlight overlooked cases, especially those involving veterans, homeless individuals, and others marginalized by society. Jennifer also runs a support group for survivors of MST, emphasizing the journey from victim to survivor.
Join Friday Evenings - “Victims to Survivors" on the Warriors for Life (WFL) Online Peer Group Support Group
The Line-Up and times Each Friday (Unless noted with a different time below) are:
4:30 PM PT,
5:30 PM MT,
6:30 PM CT, &
7:30 PM ET