How accurate, we dont know where we stand in the line. I have been awakened from a deep sleep on more than 1 occasion to be given the horrible news. At that point it all changes, now there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of them. Dont be confused most of the time I am not sad and teary eyed, no just the opposite, something reminds me of an event or discussion and I have to smile. Understand I am sad they are gone but I am a firm believer they died the most honorable death a solider could, in fighting liberating the oppressed. They will never get older than they were their final…
Mindfulness. Don't go through life on autopilot
How accurate, we dont know where we stand in the line. I have been awakened from a deep sleep on more than 1 occasion to be given the horrible news. At that point it all changes, now there is not a day that goes by that I dont think of them. Dont be confused most of the time I am not sad and teary eyed, no just the opposite, something reminds me of an event or discussion and I have to smile. Understand I am sad they are gone but I am a firm believer they died the most honorable death a solider could, in fighting liberating the oppressed. They will never get older than they were their final…
I have never considered this, but when one adds the image to the text, it is a powerful message!
There is too much good
going on in life to waste any moment