Paul reminds us of the foundation upon which our hope rests: the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
Whom God raised up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it. Acts 2:24
It was not just any death but a death for our sins. Jesus willingly took upon Himself the punishment that we deserved.
He bore our sins on the cross so we might have forgiveness and reconciliation with God. His sacrifice demonstrates the love God has for us.
Next, His burial. Jesus was laid in a tomb, fulfilling the prophecy. His lifeless body was placed in the cold, dark tomb. It seemed like the end of the story, but it was only the beginning of something far greater.
Finally, His resurrection on the third day. This is the crux of our faith. Jesus conquered death and rose from the grave, as the Bible had foretold. His resurrection is not just a historical event but the foundation of our faith.
The resurrection of Jesus validates everything He taught and accomplished. It assures us of our future resurrection and eternal life with Him.
The death of Jesus calls us to repentance and faith. His burial reminds us of the reality of His humanity and the realization of His sacrifice. And His resurrection fills us with hope and assurance, knowing that He is alive and that His victory over sin and death is ours as well.
Live each day knowing that Jesus reigns victorious now and forever.
Heavenly Father, what a blessed life knowing Jesus. Life has never been so blessed. Father, because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, and the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, and my acceptance of Jesus as my Lord, I now have abundant life. This peace and joy can only be found in You. Thank You for eyes that see Truth. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Live Each Day Knowing That Jesus Reigns Victorious Now And Forever.