Join Founder & Retiree COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs and Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support TONIGHT for some awesome and positive “Peer-to-Peer” and "Sharing is Caring" discussions.
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TONIGHT's Topic: “Negativity Rewires Your Brain!”
There are three common types of complainers:
Sympathy Seekers
Chronic Complainers
Negativity is a downward spiral, meaning that the more you focus on problems instead of solutions, you eventually start to see the negative side of everything in your life.
While bouts of negative thinking happen on and off, it’s important to let yourself vent, but quickly move on to solutions.
And it’s really worth doing: for one, negativity physically destroys your brain. ” …people who routinely experience chronic stress—particularly acute, even traumatic stress—release the hormone cortisol, which literally eats away, almost like an acid bath, at the hippocampus, which is a part of the brain that’s very engaged in visual-spatial memory as well as memory for context and setting.”
Let’s discuss “How to Stay Positive!” and stop "Complaining!"
