The Colonel’s Motivational/Inspirational Quotes & Message of the Day!
Good “Tuesday!” Morning “Burroughs’ Posse,” and all great connections. Welcome from the “Eagle’s Nest” in Costa Rica! — 27 April 2021!
**Day 5 – Costa Rica – up early this morning here at Casa Buendia Puntarenas Province, Costa Rica – well yesterday was lounge lizard day at the pool and at the rental house (see pictures below – not a lot, but a relaxing day in the pool and some great food – today is zipline day with OSA Canopy Tours (Soaring through the jungle) and a tour of Palmar Norte and Cortese, Costa Rica. – Pura Vida**
Today’s Message is: “Soar Day!” Why Not?
"Great leaders will soar like Eagles." — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Come join Veteran SGT Steve McFarland TONIGHT for "Healing Through Faith" addition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services. Invite a Friend, tell a friend, and share with your friends! Get connected with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, and Caretakers every Tuesday!
TONIGHT's Topic: "Open Forum on Healing Through Faith!"

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The Quote in the Picture Today Reads: “If you want to soar in life, you must first learn to F.L.Y. (First Love Yourself).” — Mark Sterling
More Awesome Quotes for Today’s Message:
“The higher we soar, the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
“Today is your day to dance lightly with life, sing wild songs of adventure, soar your spirit, unfurl your joy.” — Jonathan Lockwood Hule
“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.” — Aiden Wilson Tozer
“Never agree to crawl if you want to soar.” — Helen Keller
“Just sayin — just cuz the journey gets rough, doesn’t mean it’s over. Soar high above all else.” — Unknown Author
“Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.” — A.W. Tozer
“Don’t quack like a duck, soar like an eagle.” — Ken Blanchard
Be a Survivor and Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) “Peer-to Peer” Online Peer Support Group where “Sharing is Caring!”: https://www.victoryforveterans.org/support

“Remember this always and the meaning runs deep for all those who’ve served this great nation: 'Honor & Respect Always — Warriors for Life!' "— COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans: https://victoryforveterans.org/blog/
