The Colonel’s Motivational Quotes of the Day!
Good “Tuesday” Morning “Burroughs’ Posse,” and all great connections. Welcome from the “Eagle’s Nest” in Castle Rock, CO! — 15 September 2020!
Today is: “Adapt Day!” Why Not?
“Successful leaders adapt or get left behind!” — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Come join Veteran SGT Steve McFarland TONIGHT for "Healing Through Faith" addition of Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support Community Services. Invite a Friend, tell a friend, and share with your friends! Get connected with Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, and Caretakers every Tuesday!
TONIGHT's Topic: "One Day at a Time!"

Support our Warriors in Need — "Challenge them to Stay Alive!": https://www.victoryforveterans.org/product-page/wfl-coin
The Quote in the Picture Today Reads: “Life Happens. Adapt. Embrace change, and make the most of everything that comes your way.”.” — Nick Jones
More Quotes to think about:
“Adaptability is about the powerful difference between adapting to cope and adapting to win.” — Max McKeown
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.” — Stephen Hawking
“If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward.” — John Wooden
“Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.” —H.G. Wells
“We have to adapt and overcome, that’s all we can do.” — Frank Knight
“As human beings we do change, grow, adapt, perhaps even learn and become wiser.” — Wendy Carlos
“To avoid suffering, one must learn to adapt, learn some flexibility and realize that everything changes, and this is beautiful.” — Senora Roy
Reach Out and Join us for Warriors for Life (WFL) Virtual Group Support:

“Remember this always and the meaning runs deep for all those who served this great nation: 'Respect Always — Warriors for Life!' " — COL (Ret) Mikel Burroughs
Check out all the BLOGs at Victory for Veterans: https://victoryforveterans.org/blog/